Copper Alloys. manufactures practically every recognised copper-based alloy. Whether they are defunct or specific to an application, as long as we can get hold of a material specification it can be produced.

There are a wide range of alloys, that utilise combinations of features, characteristics and benefits to precisely enhance performance in a vast array of applications.

Copper Alloys has a deep understanding of the metallurgy behind the alloy and with this experience, having producing over a 500 specifications, and with the assistance of the Copper Development Association, we would like to share a general understanding of the differences between the ranges of alloys manufactured at Copper Alloys.

Bronze Alloys

Aluminium Bronze

Manganese Bronze and Architectural Bronze

Nickel Aluminium Bronze

Silicon Bronze

Tin Bronze and Phosphor Bronze



Nickel Alloys




Elite Alloys

Elite Alloys


Enquiry Form

Please fill in the form below and we will call you to discuss your needs.

    I am happy to be contacted by Copper Alloys from time to time with information they think will be of interest to me.


    +44 (0) 1782 816888

    [email protected]

    Auckland Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 2AZ, United Kingdom